Monday, November 1, 2010

We are on Week #2 of Family Time at The Therapy Place!

Musical Instrument Play is fun!
Katie Burgess,  also joins in on the fun during a circle dance!

Lilly Crisp joins us with her sister and her Mother!

Bryann brings her enthusiasm for dance to class!
Beat and important part of our focus today!

Always singing!

                     Sing your way through the week!

The Therapy Place is one of the happiest places to be in Columbia with it's charming facility filled with caring, dedicated people and beautiful murals by Suzanne Baldwin 

Bryann continues her apprenticeship and is gaining experience by assisting me in The Family Time class at The Therapy Place. Having the parent-child interaction is a special experience not only for the families, but for us as well. Seeing a variety of children from different backgrounds, ages and abilities come together to participate in a music class with their loved ones, is a treasure. 

 Classes are held Mondays from 4:00-5:00pm at The Therapy Place.

"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." 
-Franz Peter Schubert