It's hard to believe that, with nearly 60 blog posts, over a hundred classes with Bryann by my side, and hours of one on one training with her, that it's only been a year and a half. We've done so much in that time frame, and we are still making great strides and spinning forward with full force to more accomplishments!
As you may know, the purpose of this blog has not been to document the perfect about this apprenticeship, because you won't find that here, but to simply celebrate and acknowledge the progress that we've made. Of course, this isn't just an online diary of the perfect, but simply the good paired with the struggle, which makes a journey a journey. A story, a story.
And what a beautiful one it is.
Thank you for taking part in this journey, and continuing with us as it unfolds...
Telling you here, on a blog-page, wouldn't suffice enough to mention how this process has charged me to many different levels, both personally and the way I operate as a business.
Bryann Burgess, has stood by my side in class, with passion like no other, and a determination to learn. She actively participates and engages in all musical activities with the children and families we serve.
She is living her life with passion, and she is a natural at teaching.
She is leading and creating, and just like anyone else, she is filled with love and joy as she pursues her true passions.
I am honored to know her, to have her as a 'side-kick' and I'm excited for her future!
"Press forward. Do not stop, do not linger in your journey,
but strive for the mark set before you."
-George Whitefield
-George Whitefield
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"
-Eleanore Roosevelt
"Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe."
-Gail Devers
You are doing it, Bryann! Keep following your dreams and being true to who you are and who you want to be. You're a shining star, and a beautiful example to others. I am proud of you. I'm honored to have witnessed your sheer determination to be your very best. Your progress in teaching has astounded me, and the world, and there's no telling where you'll be next! Congratulations on all you've accomplished during this apprenticeship!
Love to you dearly,
Alison Trotter