Monday, January 4, 2010

Week # 9 St. M/ Lessons We Learn

We all take time to sing hello to each other at the beginning of each class together.
We use props and instruments to create a steady beat which is helpful for children as they learn to "feel" the music.
Dancing is always a fun component during class time and gives the children an opportunity to express themselves through movement and music play.
Here we are, discussing the many dynamics that took place during this week's class.
It's rained nearly every Wednesday this month and the children are high with pent up energy. But, we are plugging along and still having fun. I'm convinced that sometimes we have these days to really zero in on how to handle certain situations. So, I will list a few of them below:

*How to handle the children when they scream and forget to use their inside voices
*How to handle a child getting upset because his feelings are hurt or he doesn't get his way
*Dealing with hurt feelings as teachers if the children decide to say something or do something to make us feel bad ex "I don't want to sit by you."

We realize that the children are indeed delicate and so are their emotions, but it is our job to guide them along with care.

Children require guidance and sympathy far more than instruction.

-Annie Sullivan

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